
Trailed Type Seeders IrTem

Make: IrTem
Model: FDD 2500, FDD 3000, FDD 4000
Working Width: 2,5 m; 3 m; 4 m
Suspension type: Coupled
Seeding Equipment Type: Disc
Number of Coulters: 20, 24, 32
Seed Tank Volume: 1
Distance Between Rows: 12,5 cm
Fertiliser Tank Volume: 590 l, 700 l, 900 l
Operating Speed: 15 km/val.
Control Computer: Available
Technological Tracks: Available
Required power: 7

• Simple but reliable double disc coulter mechanism with rubber torsion.
• Down pressure per coulter enough to maintain precise seeding depth in high speeds when compared with other seeders.
• Bigger hoppers
• Trailed type usage with no need of big tractors
• Extended length of markers so the tractor operator can follow the mark in the middle of the tractor
• Completely new, practical, durable harrow spring system. Not breaking easily. It can be readjusted even the tips are worn out.